Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Here are some examples of Portmanteau. Some of the words I knew but didn't know their foundations.

advertainment: advertisement + entertainment
humongous: huge + monstrous
advertorial: advertisement + editorial
infomercial: information + commercial
affluenza: affluence + influenza
infotainment: information + entertainment
anecdotage: anecdote + dotage
insinuendo: insinuation + inneuendo
avionics: aviation + electronics
intercom: internal + communication
backronym: back + acronym
Internet: international + network
bash: bang + smash

Easter Wings

Here is George Herbert's "Easter Wings" that was talked about in Ong, pg. 126.

Misheard words

We were talking in class one day about orality vs. aurality, and how lots of times children mishear words. I did that a lot. Thought I'd give you some examples.

Bemus = Venus... my parents still call it Bemus whenever I'm around. they think it's cute.
Prentzle = Pretzel
Flinger = Finger

I've never looked at these words in writing before. It's a weird feeling. And I am trying to figure out the significance of why these words were the ones I happened to mispronounce.

An Imaginary Life

Short film I found on YouTube. "For an imaginary friend... Living an imaginary life... There's nothing worse than being forgotten."

Oral Tradition in Bible and New Testament Studies

Here's an interesting essay, expanding on one of the presentations given, orality in the bible. I wish I would have taken the Biblical Lit class after I had taken this orality class, so I could have made more connections, because it seems so interesting.

An interesting alchemical symbol in art. Obviously was influenced by Ramon Lull and his art.

Art of Memory

This is a blog I stumbled across and thought there were some interesting things to take a look at. It talks about minimalism in film, art, books, etc.